GOL'18 (Logistics Operations Management)

From initial concept through the final decommissioning and disposal, the supply chain and logistics play a pivotal role in every product’s lifecycle. Manufacturing and production are the heart of the chain, though products may range from simple services up to large procurement projects with characteristics of long product lifetime, unpredicted adaptations and long lead times to delivery. Operating in a simultaneously cooperative and competitive global environment, the supply chain is populated by independent entities vying in their use of scarce private and public resources and infrastructure to achieve their schedule, specification, cash flow and profit goals. Like a complex system, the supply chain is a complex set of entities and systems interconnected by numerous physical, financial and information flows, and, as with all systems, there are significant technical risks of failure. Also, current environmental pressures ranging from border security and safety to the need to reduce energy consumption and cut greenhouse gas emissions impact of supply chain. Finally, recent advances in sensor networks, intelligent product, tracking systems, communications, and information technologies, have led to the development of innovative applications. The 4th International Conference on Logistics Operations Management aims to bring together researchers and professionals interested in logistics not only from a technology standpoint but also from a social sciences perspective. This multi-disciplinary approach will examine the current state of the art focusing on new techniques and models relevant to the operations management of various logistics flows. The scope of the conference will cover, but not limited to, several topics such as logistics systems modelling, decision support systems, information systems, legal and regulatory environments, framework and control of the global logistics chain, manufacturing organization, transport and storage operations, performance modelling and measurement, risk analysis and planning.

Submission of Special Sessions Proposals 30 June 2017
Submission of Full and Short Papers 30 October 2017
Notice of Acceptance 15 January 2018
Early-Bird Registration 15 February 2018
Camera-ready Manuscript 28 February 2018

GOL 2018 has obtained approval from the following journals to organize special issues based on extended versions of top GOL papers:

  • International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management
  • International Journal of Supply and Operations Management
  • Logistique et Management
  • Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés
  • International Journal of Supply Chain and Operations Resilience